Episode #281

Reclaim Your Sacred Feminine by Reprogramming Beliefs

We have no choice but to act out our beliefs. Why is repeating mantras or affirmations seemingly so ineffective? We talk about the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind and the 4 obstacles to effectively reprogramming your subconscious mind.

We want to get to the root causes and do the medicine at that level. The subconscious mind is the tap root of your soul garden. You can change your beliefs at the deep karmic level so you don’t have to repeat the same patterns in this life again.

Financial healing is a spiritual process not an action based terrestrial world material, world process. It is not about working harder but in fact about the karmic line you came here to purify for your soul family in the stars. Your inward journey reclaiming your Sacred Feminine is self revealing. Revealing your growth into the self that rises to live the dream of your heart. 

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