Episode #202
Your Brain’s Theme Song
Your brain has chronic and repeating thought patterns. Theme songs that it replays like a skipping record. However, you brain will offer your theme songs to you in different disguises and costumes. Understanding the way your brain works is a game changer! Learn all about it in this episode. Let’s get into it!
Dove Hotep coaches women on financial healing through the Sacred Feminine. Alchemical Goddess Program is one to one, six month Sacred Feminine Astrological Life Coaching Program. Take the journey to activate the Goddess within. We clear creative channels to abundance, dismantle the suppressed light of the feminine, and restore self-belief. When you deepen self-worth and dissolve self-judgement, you dissolve blocks to your feminine flow, intuition, and money. For The FREE Astrology Mini-course go to www.empoweredwomenrise.com
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